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What is sexual harassment?

When someone speaks to you sexually, talks about your body, clothes, and makes sexual suggestions. It can also be uncomfortable touching, like petting, groping, or touching you where you didn’t ask for it or it was unnecessary. If you experience this as uncomfortable, hurtful, offensive, or dangerous, it is considered sexual harassment.

Read more about sexual harassment here


What is sexual violence?

When someone forces you into unwanted sexual situations such as pornographic talk, videos, touches and groping, and even rape. When someone makes you do such things, makes you watch such things, does such things to you, or threatens to do so. This behavior is forbidden by law.

Read more about sexual violence here


What should I do if I have experienced sexual harassment or violence?

Tell someone. If there is someone in your life you trust, tell them. If you do not want to tell someone you know, contact us here. You can get help to end the harassment or violence.


What is bullying?

When one or more individuals repeatedly exhibit behavior that causes you distress. When you are repeatedly criticized or belittled by the same individuals. When you are offended or hurt on purpose and excluded from work and play.

Read more about bullying here


What should I do if I have been bullied?

Tell someone. If there is someone in your life you trust, tell them. If you do not want to tell someone you know, contact us here. You can get help to end the bullying.


What is gender-based harassment?

When someone does or says something to you intended to threaten, hurt, or humiliate you based on your gender. The harassment can be verbal, behavioral, or take on other forms of disrespect.

Read more about gender-based harassment here


What is gender-based violence?

When someone causes you physical or mental distress or pain because of your gender. Violence can be verbal, behavioral, or consist of threats based on your gender.


Read more about gender-based violence here


What should I do if I have experienced gender-based harassment or violence?

Tell someone. If there is someone in your life, you can trust, tell them. If you do not want to tell someone you know, contact us here. You can get help to end the harassment or violence.

We should feel good in sports and leisure, without any secrets.


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Ábyrgð þjálfarans

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Ábyrgð þjálfarans

Ábyrgð þjálfarans

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Ábyrgð þjálfarans

Ábyrgð þjálfarans

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Ábyrgð þjálfarans

Ábyrgð þjálfarans

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Ábyrgð þjálfarans

Ábyrgð þjálfarans

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Annual reports

At the end of the year the communications counselor publishes information about the operation and statistics about cases reported over the past year. The report is introduced to the Ministry of Education and Children and then published on the webpage.

Annual report 2020 (only in icelandic)

Annual report 2021 (only in icelandic)

Ársskýrsla 2022

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